A critical focus on localised energy production, benefitting communities and the environment.
The team at Dark Green Group are dedicated to creating localised energy developments that provide direct benefits to the local community and stakeholders.
As well as mitigating climate change and pushing the UK economy away from reliance on fossil fuels, we are dedicated to developing high performing. resilient projects that can provide long-term, sustainable investment directly into the communities where projects are located.
As a team of industry experts, Dark Green Group are driven by our combined passion to develop renewable energy projects that maximise energy generation opportunities and have a massive impact on the UK low carbon agenda.
We have to get building, now.
Technologies and energy parks.
With differing local, geographic and economic profiles, all sites are not made equal.
With deep experience in different technologies across the team, we look to create sites of exceptional capability in energy generation.
Dark Green Group has a focus on bio-methane as the foundation of a project, we then analyse co-locating additional technologies to maximise energy production and other valuable commodities, while dealing with wastes.
We call these, Dark Green Energy Parks.
See our technology uses and expand your knowledge.
Biomethane Production
The foundation of Dark Green's energy transition strategy.
Utilising organic wastes from homes and industries, we produce highly valuable commodities in the form of bio-methane, biogenic CO2 and organic fertilisers for the UK industrial and agricultural market.
Wind Power
With recent changes to UK legislation for the erection of on-shore wind, this staple of the UK renewable energy sector is set to continue with a significant contribution to the UK's transition to renewable energy.
Our focus for co-location of technologies ensures on-shore wind power is utilised where possible to take advantage of project geography, providing green power for UK business and homes.
Solar Energy
Neat, compact and useable for many scenarios; from roofs and farms, to old brownfield sites, we utilise solar power to create additional energy generation that can aid the efficiency of bio-methane production or be exported to the grid for UK homes and business.
Contact us to find out if your site can be used to produce solar energy.
Waste Management
UK government is dedicated to circular economic development and this has been proven through recent legislation changes in the collection of food waste.
New Government funding has been made available to local authorities for the management of household organics waste, and the UK government has stated anaerobic digestion as the preferred method of disposal for recycling and energy recovery.
The UK now has a tremendous opportunity to capture this valuable resource that is currently being lost.
Energy Parks
Dark Green Group is focussed on all of the above, and. Getting the most from sites through a technologically agnostic approach and creating energy mixes worthy of the local profile and the geography of the site.
We look to create energy centres that co-locate technologies, offering real benefit to communities and with an eye to the future through research and development to continually maintain at the forefront of the energy transition.
Community focussed.
We are part of communities and understand needs are complex and known intimately only by people in those communities.
During project development, we delve deeply into what makes communities tick and where we can add value to the local community.
Each Dark Green project has a dedicated Community Wealth Fund and this can be used for energy bill relief or community projects and benefits.
The Community Wealth for each project is controlled by what each specific community tell us they need and where the money should go in supporting them and their local areas.
We are action and not words.
Team Dark Green have won numerous community and environmental awards, from UK Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award, to the European Social Employer of the Year.